
    If the successive discounts of 7%, 20%, and p% are equivalent to a single discount of 40.56%, what is the value of p?

    A 10 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 17 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 15 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 20 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    1-(1-0.07) (1-0.20) (1-p/100) = 0.4056 (1-0.93) × 0.80 × (1-p/100) = 0.4056 0.744 × (1- p /100) = 0.5944 1 – p/100 = 0.5944 /0.744 1 – p/100 = 0.7995 p/100 = 0.2005 p = 20.05 ~ 20 =20%

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