For a number to be divisible by 9, the sum of its digits must also be divisible by 9. Given the number 6428A83, let's find the sum of the known digits and then determine the value of A that makes the entire sum divisible by 9. The sum of the known digits is: 6+4+2+8+8+3= 31 Let the sum of the digits including A be S. Then: S = 31 + A For the number to be divisible by 9, S must also be divisible by 9. So, we need to find the smallest A such that 31 + A is divisible by 9. ATO- The value of A that makes 6428A83 divisible by 9 is 5.
As provided under the IFSCA Act all sums realised by way of penalties or fines under this Act shall be credited to the____________________
Which of the following Bank has been permitted to set up its subsidiary in IFSC for providing specialized services as per Union Budget 2023 announcements
When a manager gives specific advice, clarifies expectations, and assigns tasks, he is using which leadership style?
In the Union Budget 2024-25, what is the projected fiscal deficit for the financial year 2024-25 as a percentage of GDP, reflecting the government’s f...
The entity willing to act as a Qualified Supplied-Limited Purpose Trading Member (QS-LPTM) on a Bullion Exchange shall be required to have net worth of ...
What steps must a company take within ninety days of transferring an unpaid dividend amount to the Unpaid Dividend Account?
Which of the following best describes the concept of arbitrage in finance?
Calculate the current Ratio from the above data:
With respect to the Finance Bill, consider the following statements:
I. Imposition
II. Amendment
III. Remission
IV. Alterati...
Where any Trade receivables are financed through Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS); the concerned TReDS on behalf of a factor, shall within a...