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Since the students in each grade were divided into different sections, and every section across grades had the same number of students, the minimum number of sections across grades will be the HCF of the numbers of students in Grades 6,7, and 8. HCF (180, 270, and 405= 45 Number of students in each class = 45 Number of sections in grade 6 = 180/45 = 4 Number of sections in grade 7 = 270/45 = 6 Number of sections in grade 8 = 405/45 = 9 Minimum number of sections = 4+6+9=19.
A dishonest dealer claims to sell goods at cost price but uses a false weight of 900g instead of 1kg. What is his profit percentage?
If x + y + z = 7, x² + y² + z² = 85 and x³ + y³+ z³ = 842, then the value of√3 xyz is:
...if x2 – 2x + 1 = 0, then find the value of (x7 + x5 + x4 + x2)/x ?
when x =4 and y =-6 then find the value of 27x³ +58x²y +31xy² +8y³?
If x2 = 15x + 1, then find the value of {x3 - (1/x3) }.
If 10% of 24% of x is 240, then x = ?
Find the values of 'a' and 'b', so that the polynomial x3 − ax2 − 13x + b has (x−1) and (x+3) as factors:
If x/y = 5/3, Find (x+y)/(x-y)?
If 8x3 - 125y3 = (2x - Ay) X (Bx2 + 25y2 + Cxy), then find the value of 3 X (2A + 6B) - 2C.