The greatest number of 4 digits is 9999. LCM of 15, 25, 40, and 75 is 600. On dividing 9999 by 600, the remainder is 399. Then, Required number (9999 - 399) = 9600.
Which ethical principle suggests that individuals should treat others as they themselves would like to be treated?
______ entrepreneurs neither introduce new changes nor adopt new methods innovated by others.
Which leadership style tends to centralize authority and make unilateral decisions?
The RTI Act, 2005 shall not apply to which of the following__________
Because leading is one of the basic managerial functions,
Which ethical theory emphasizes the importance of developing virtuous character traits to lead a morally good life?
What is a central idea in deontological ethics?
Under the RTI Act, 2005 Section 2(n)____________means a person other than the citizen making a request for information and includes a public authority
Which of the following is not an objective of the RTI Act, 2005?
Section 3 of the RTI Act, 2005 the right to information is given to whom_______