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The greatest number which when divide 33,55 & 77 leave a same remainder in each case = HCF (55 - 33, 77 -33 , 77 - 55) = HCF (22, 44, 22) = 22.
A man pedals cycle from his house to his office at a speed of 10 km/h and back from the office to his house at a speed of 15 km/h. His average speed (i...
60% of the employees of a company are college graduates. Of these, 10% are in sales. Of the employees who did not graduate from college, 80% are in sal...
Fundamental principles of design of experiment are
(I) Randomization
(II) Replication
(III) Local control
Which option is correct?
The incomes of the employees in a state is assumed to be normally distributed with mean ₹15,000 and variance ₹900. The median of the distribution o...
For the frequency distribution of X number of grammatical mistakes per line is as follows.
X: 0 ...
For a distribution, mean is 40, median is 40.5 and mode is 41. The distribution is:
The deseasonalised time - series data will have only trend (T), cyclical (C) and irregular (I) components and is expressed as:
The mode (correct to two decimal places) for the given data is: