
    Archana's income is 40% higher than Bhasker's, and Cherry's income is 60% more than Bhasker's. Both Archana and Cherry save Rs. 8,000 each, with the expenditure ratio of Archana to Cherry being 6:7. Determine the percentage of his income that Bhasker spends.

    A 25% Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 85% Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 45% Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 80% Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E none of these Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    ATQ,  Let, the income of 'Bhashker' be Rs.'5x'. So, the income of 'Archana' = 1.4 × 5x = Rs.'7x' Income of 'C' = 1.6 × 5x = Rs. '8x' Let, the expenditure of 'Archana' and 'Cherry' be Rs.'6y' and Rs.'7y', respectively. ATQ, 7x - 6y = 8000 ....(i) 8x - 7y = 8000 On comparing the above two equations, we get, 7x - 6y = 8x - 7y Or, 8x - 7x = 7y - 6y So, x = y ....(ii) From equation (i) and (ii) , we get, 7x - 6x = 8000 So, x = 8000 So, the income of 'Bhasker' = 5x = 5 X 8000 = Rs. 40,000 Expenditure of'Bhasker' = 40000 - 8000 = Rs. 32,000 So, the percentage expenditure of 'Bhasker' = (32000/40000) × 100 = 80%

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