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The correct answer is B
A Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) occurred in Sikkim, leading to the breach of a glacial lake. What is the name of the glacial lake that caused this ...
The World’s largest/biggest airport King Fahd International Airport is situated in which of these countries?
Which of the following Harappan sites is in Haryana?
The Union Cabinet has approved __________ crore for the investment in Export Credit Guarantee Corporation Ltd. (ECGC).
Which of the following is/are the aims of “Digital India” Plan of the Government of India?
1. Digital Infrastructure as a Core Utility to E...
Which of the following is an indirect tax?
Which of the following is correctly matched?
For what reason did IRDAI impose penalties on HDFC Life ?
Cabinet has approved the continuation of PM SVANidhi beyond March 2022 till December 2024, what was the budget allocated for this scheme?
Which of the following statements about forests is INCORRECT?