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ATQ, 137 - 7 × 1 = 130 130 - 7 × 2 = 116 116 - 7 × 3 = 95 95 - 7 × 4 = 67 67 - 7 × 5 = 32
What type of radiation is trapped on earth’s surface as a result of greenhouse effect
Optimizing the use of farm resources on an individual farm level. It is
The plantation in a huge manner to prevent soil erosion against wind and severe weather is called-
Soil layer that is rich in iron oxide and derived from rocks weathering under oxidizing and leaching conditions
Which hormone is most effective in hulling of walnut
The smallest unit of content analysis is:
Red and Far-red light absorbing, bluish photoreceptor, which is present in the cytosol of plants, is:
Which enzyme is responsible for the ripening process?
Approximately, what fraction of India's Gross Value Added (GVA) for the year 2019-20 is contributed by Agriculture and Allied Activities?
Blue – green algae grow best in: