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ATQ, The given series follows the following pattern: 168 - 22 = 164 164 - 32 = 155 155 - 42 = 139 139 - 52 = 114 114 - 62 = 78
ICAR- National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources is situated at ___
Which of the following is the non-physiological oxidant used by Robert Hill known as Hill reagent?
Tea leaves become yellow due to
What is the relationship between marginal cost (MC) and fixed cost (FC):
Which of the following is an external, material and non-transferable good?
Asia’s largest 4 meter International Liquid Mirror Telescope was unveiled at Devasthal, Uttarakhand. The ILMT employs a rotating mirror made...
The terminal cell of the 2- celled proembryo divides by longitudinal wall and the basal cell and terminal cell both contribute to the development of emb...
The department of agriculture, revenue and commerce was set up in .............................?
Which one the following is in order of Heavy metal content in different vegetative part of the vegetable plants?
Beneficial bacteria for fruit preservation industries is