ATQ, 22 + 1 = 5 42 + 2 = 18 62 + 3 = 39 82 + 4 = 68 102 + 5 = 105 122 + 6 = 150
What are the various exemptions from disclosure of information under the RTI Act?
When principal may revoke agent's authority as per the Contract Act?
As per section 6 of the National Investigating Agency Act __________________ shall have the jurisdiction with respect to a Scheduled Offence if it has b...
According to the IT Act the term appropriate government means s as respects any matter___________________ the State Government and in any other case, th...
As per which section of the Maharashtra Rent Control Act, 1999 the Government premises are exempted from application of this act?
Which of the following is an immovable property within the meaning of Section 2(6) of the Registration Act, 1908?
Classification of Compoundable and non-compoundable offence is provided under
Under the SEBI Act any pooling of funds under any scheme or arrangement, which is not registered with the Board or is not covered under section 11AA (3)...
The composition of Board of SEBI is dealt with under which Section of SEBI Act, 1992?
Which of the following cases talks about an ex parte case coming under the purview of revisional jurisdiction as per s.115 of CPC?