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First, calculate the differences: 279−250=29 311−279=32 349−311=38 396−349=47 The differences are: 29,32,38,47. Now, let's look at the differences between these differences: 32−29=3 38−32=6 47−38=9 The second-order differences are 3,6,9, which are increasing by 3. If this pattern continues, the next difference should be: 9+3=12 Now, add this to the last difference: 47+12=59 Finally, add this to the last term in the series: 396+59 = 455
Statement: K = B; D ≥ L ≥ T ≥ B
Conclusion: I. D > K II. D = K
S ≥ T ≤ D > P; F ≥ T > J ≥ Y
I) Y < S
II) F > P
Which of the following symbols should replace the question mark (?) in the given expression in order to make the expressions B ≤ D as well as F > B de...
A < R ≤ M =S; U > L = T; A < L = O > E
I). U > E
II). L > M
...Statement:A≤M=T<C; T≥F ;C ≥D>E<G
I. C > F
II.E < C
Statement: C ≥ O ≥ S = Z ≤ N = R
I. C > N
II. S ≤ R
Statements: A > B ≥ C; D ≤ C > E > F; H < F
I. H ≤ B
II. A > D
III. D > F
Statement: O ≤ Q, Q ≥ A, A > I, I = D
Conclusion: I. Q > D II. A > D
Statement: C ≤ D < E; C > F > G
Conclusions: I. F < E II. C > G
...Statements: A ≤ B > C ≥ D > F, B ≤ E > G, D < H
Conclusions: I. G ≥ A
II. H > F