ATQ, 24 + 18 = 42 42 + 18 = 60 60 + 18 = 78 78 + 18 = 96 96 + 18 = 114
Anticipatory bail may be granted by
The court may frame the issues from the materials:
Which of the following is NOT a general exception under chapter 4 of IPC?
Which of the following is the principle of equity mentioned in the statute of ICJ?
What methods have been mentioned in the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 for fixation and revision of minimum wages ?
"According to Companies Act till" when shall the President and every other Member of the Tribunal shall hold office from the date on which he enters upo...
Industrial employment standing orders act is applicable in every industrial establishment where ____ workmen are employed
Who among the following has the power to declare what language shall be deemed to be commonly used in each district?
As per the Sales of Goods Act, 1930 when does an agreement to sell becomes a sale?
What are the minimum and maximum members that can be nominated by the Central Government to the Central Advisory Contract Labour Board to represent Gove...