Total quantity of mixture after removing 9-litres = 40 × (12/5) = 96 litres So, original quantity of the mixture = 96 + 9 = 105 litres
Diamond Back Moth (DBM) is a specific insect of which crop?
Which of the following does not form part of excretory system in insects?
Hopper burn is a symptom of _____
Which fungal disease affects rice plants and is characterized by white, powdery growth on leaves and stems?
Lactose found in milk is a disaccharide composed of:
Practice of cross plowing in rice at 4-6 weeks after sowing is known as
Which weed classification involves plants that grow in wild as well as cultivated lands?
Which of the following is not the steps of teaching process?
Truly migratory fish, the migrations of which occur wholly within freshwater is classified as
Dehorning of horned cattle is the process of removal of their horns or the process of preventing their growth. The process of dehorning is accomplished ...