Initial Ratio: Alcohol= 7:3, Container = 80 liters Alcohol = 56 liters, Water = 24 liters Remove Half: 28 liters of alcohol, 12 liters of water removed Remaining: 28 liters alcohol, 12 liters water Add 13 liters of water: New Water = 12 + 13 = 25 liters
Consider the following statements in regards to CBSE Single child merit scholarship:
1. It was launched in 2006 for single girl child students ...
DIKSHA makes it possible for all states and Union Territories to enable learning and education at home through innovative state programs. What does DIKS...
Samagra Shiksha scheme has been aligned with the recommendations of NEP 2020 to ensure that all children have access to quality education with an equita...
National Initiative for School Heads’ and Teachers’ Holistic Advancement (NISHTHA) on 21st August, 2019 to improve learning outcomes at the elemen...
Which government ministry introduced the PM Vishwakarma scheme aimed at offering comprehensive assistance to artisans and craftspeople?
The government has launched a platform to empower India’s medical technology innovators,reduce the country’s dependence on imported medical devices ...
________ plans to invest Rs 30,000 crore in the next three years as it expands its petrochemical capacity and scouts for LNG supplies globally.
What is the primary objective of the One District One Product (ODOP) program's collaboration with the Ministry of Rural Development?
The Ishan Uday Scholarship Scheme, administered by the University Grants Commission (UGC), primarily benefits students from which region of India?
Which portal has been launched to monitor child care institutions across the country?