Quantity of sugar in the mixture = (4/11) × 660 = 240 gms Quantity of rice in the mixture = 660 - 240 = 420 gms Required ratio = (420 + 60) : (240 + 30) = 16:9
Consider the following statements with reference to Zamindars under Mughals:
1. They had the hereditary right of collecting land revenue.
The Founder of the slave dynasty was
The First Budget of Independent India was presented by?
Narsasimha Varman I was also known as Mamallan means
The Battle of Chausa was fought between which two historical figures?
Consider the following pairs: Pottery Period
1. Painted grey ware : Rigvedic period
2. Ochre colored pottery : Harappan period
What is the correct chronology of the arrival of the following in India?
1. Gold Coins
2. Hurt currency silver coins
3. Iron Plough...
Who coined the phrase "We divide and they rule" during the colonial period in India?
Which dynasty did the Shishunaga dynasty follow in ruling Magadha?
Shuddhi movement was started by :