
    In a vessel, there are two types of liquid, P and Q in the ratio of 5:9. 28liters of the mixture is taken out and 2 liters of type Q liquid is poured into it. The new ratio P:Q thus formed is 1:2. What will be the initial quantity of the mixture in the vessel?

    A 46 liters Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 56 liters Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 57 liters Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 26 liters Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E none of these Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    ATQ, Ratio of liquid P and Q is given as     P        :   Q 5unit   :   9unit Total liquid is = 5unit + 9unit = 14 unit  Then, Mixture of quantity P is = (28/14) x 5 = 10 liters Mixture of quantity Q is = (28/14) x 9 = 18 liters Let the initial quantity be ‘i’ Then, we can say that {[‘i’ x (5/14) – 10] / [‘i’ x (9/14) – 18 + 2]} = 1/2  10i – 280 = 9x – 224 i = 56 liters 

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