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Since, the 30 litres is withdrawn from the total mixture, it won't affect the ratio of milk to water in the mixture. Let the initial quantity of water in the mixture after withdrawing 30 litres be '4x' litres So, total quantity of mixture after withdrawing 30 litres = 4x ÷ 0.5 = '8x' litres And quantity of milk in the mixture after withdrawing 30 litres = 8x - 4x = '4x' litres ATQ; {(4x + 30)/4x} = (7/4) Or, 4x + 30 = 7x So, x = 10 So, total quantity of mixture after withdrawing 30 litres = 8 × 10 = 80 litres So, initial quantity of mixture = 80 + 30 = 110 litres
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इनमें से कौन सा उपन्यास इलाचंद्र जोशी का नहीं है ।
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