
    A mixture of 300 ml containing 50% milk and 50 % water. If ‘a’ ml of milk is added into the mixture the percentage of water reduced to 42(6/7) %. Find the approximate  value of ‘a’.

    A 18 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 20 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 16 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 19 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E 22 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Quantity of milk in the mixture initially = 0.5 × 300 = 150 ml As per the question 150+a = (100-46(6/7)/100 × (300+a) 150+a = 53(1/7)% ×(300+a) 150+a= 372/700×(300+a) a - (372/700)a = (372×3)/7-150  328/700 a = 1116/7 -150 328/700 a = 66/7 a= 20.10 ml 

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