How many numbers lie between 2000 and 3000 divisible by 5 can be made with the digits 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 without repeating any digit?
Divisible of 5 means unit place must have 5 (since 0 is not in the list). And thousands place will always be 2. This leaves us with 5 digits (3, 4, 6, 7, 8) to be filled in 2 places (2 _ _ 5). This can be done in 5P2 ways or 20 ways. So 20 numbers can be formed.
Which of the following Bank has been permitted to set up its subsidiary in IFSC for providing specialized services as per Union Budget 2023 announcements
The RBI’s guidelines on the formation of new districts in Madhya Pradesh, issued in January 2024, designated which bank as the Lead Bank for the newl...
According to the April 2024 IFSCA Circular, which of the following types of trading is permitted for Remote Trading Participants (RTPs)?
What filing requirements were introduced for Fund Management Entities (FMEs) regarding schemes or funds launched in the IFSC as per the April 2024 IFSCA...
What is the objective of the Bima Sugam – Insurance Electronic Marketplace Regulations, 2024?
As per RBI guidelines, what is the definition of a 'Project Loan'?
Which of the following statement(s) about NBFCs is incorrect?
Which of the following is a technique for waste minimization that explains how a work space should be organized for efficiency and effectiveness by iden...
In the revised instructions on foreign exchange risk hedging, what is the maximum exposure a user is allowed to take across all recognized stock exchan...
What is the enhanced scope for mandatory onboarding in TReDS for buyers as per the Budget 2024-25?