There is a fraction whose denominator is 5 more than its numerator. If the numerator is increased by 10 and denominator is decreased by 4, the fraction will have its value 2. What is the fraction?
Let the fraction be (x)/(y). As per the question, y = x + 5, (x+10)/(x+5-4) = 2 Or x + 10 = 2 x + 10 – 8 Or x = 8 Fraction = (8)/(8 + 5) = (8)/(13)
Which type of irrigation is most suitable for lands with irregular topography?
What is the precipitation type characterized by small pellets of transparent ice, typically 5 mm or less in diameter?
PF value at field capacity is
What term refers to the time between the first water supply to the land and the last watering before harvesting?
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Which category of soil is highly permeable & excessively drained with low water holding capacity thus require more frequent irrigation for successful cr...
Which form of heat transfer involves the actual movement of molecules in a medium?
Which soil type warms up more rapidly due to lower heat capacity and good thermal conductivity?
Which stage of sugarcane is sensitive to water requirement?
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