2A78B is divisible by 55 Or 11×5.
So, divisibility rule of 11 and 5
a given number can only be completely divided by 11 if the difference of the sum of digits at odd position and sum of digits at even position in a number is 0 or 11 .
If the last number is either 0 or 5, the entire number is divisible by 5 .
Maximum possible value of A and B=6 and 5
Maximum possible value of A+B=6+5=11
Minimum value of A and B=1 and 0
Minimum value of (A+B) =1+0=1
Difference between the maximum and minimum possible value of (A+B)=11-1=10.
Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.
4 : 5 :: 9 : ?
Identify the number, which when added to itself 14 times gives 540.
If 44 # 35 = 17 and 38 # 28 = 74, then 52 # 47 = ___.
Find the next number in the series:
27, 27, 34, 60, 123, ‘?’
Select the option that is related to the sixth number in the same way as the first number is related to the second number and the third number is relate...
If PET = 16520 and PETER = 16520518, then PREHEAT =
If 31 @ 9 = 24 and 53 @ 33 = 96, then 19 @ 47 = '?'.
Select the option in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers in the given set.
(28, 343, 21)
Select the option that is related to the third number in the same way as the second number is related to first number and the sixth number is related t...
Select the option in which the numbers are not related in the same way as are the number of the following set.
(10, 23, 40)