Now, multiply these unit digits together: 7×7×3×1×2×3×2 First, calculate the multiplication step by step, focusing on the unit digits- 7x7=49 (Unit digit = 9) 9x3=27 (Unit digit = 7) 7×1=7 7x2=14 (Unit digit = 4) 4x3=12 (Unit digit = 2) 2×2=4 The unit digit of product is 4.
A farmer can become an entrepreneur by
RNA acts as genetic material in
Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: The main aim of topping...
Which of the following organ is present in a rat and not in a frog?
Which of the following is the algal symbiotic of Azolla responsible for biological N fixation?
_______ is known as ‘Sea Island cotton’
The weeds that produce all or most of their vegetative growth beneath the water surface, having true roots, stems and leaves are:
These markets are of a Permanent nature.
_______ is known as Quality element
Nilgiri khapli is the variety of