
    What is the digit in the units place of the number (1624)24 ?

    A 4 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 2 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 6 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 1 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    To find the digit in the unit’s place of (1624)24, we only need to consider the units digit of the base, 1624, and then find the pattern in the units digits of its powers. Units digit of 1624: The units digit of 1624 is 4. Find the units digit of 424:   First, observe the pattern in the units’ digits of the powers of 4:    (41 = 4) (units digit = 4)     (42 = 16) (units digit = 6)    (43 = 64) (units digit = 4)    (44 = 256) (units digit = 6)    The pattern repeats every two powers: 4, 6, 4, 6... Since (24) is even, the units digit of (424) follows the same pattern:   (424) corresponds to 42 in the pattern. Unit Digit =6

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