
    What will be the remainder when 4961 is divided by 35?

    A 18 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 5 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 14 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 11 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    To find the remainder of 4961 divided by 35:   49 divided by 35 remainder 14. Simplify 1461 mod 35: 14 Divided by 5, then remainder   = -1 = (-1)61 =-1+5 =4. 14 Divided by 7: then remainder =0 1461 = 0. Combining results: x = 4 (mod 5) and x = 0 (mod 7) gives x = 14 (mod 35). Thus, the remainder is 14

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