What will be the remainder when 4961 is divided by 35?
To find the remainder of 4961 divided by 35: 49 divided by 35 remainder 14. Simplify 1461 mod 35: 14 Divided by 5, then remainder = -1 = (-1)61 =-1+5 =4. 14 Divided by 7: then remainder =0 1461 = 0. Combining results: x = 4 (mod 5) and x = 0 (mod 7) gives x = 14 (mod 35). Thus, the remainder is 14
How many Floors are in between the K and S?
Choose the odd one out.
Who among the following person lives immediate above flat of O?
Who among the following lives at floor number 5?
How many floors are there between floors of Chaman and person born in January?
Who lives in fourth floor and the age of that person is?
Who likes Red?
Who among the following person lives immediate above flat of O?
Whose anniversary is on 27th of July?
How many persons born between E and B?