LCM of 7, 9 and 11 = 693
Therefore, the number which, after being divided by 7, 9 and 11 leaves in each case the same remainder i.e. 5 = 693 + 3 = 696
Required number to be subtracted = 699 - 696 = 3
800 + 900 X (3)-2 - ? = 25 X 60 ÷ 2
Find the simplified value of the given expression
Solve the following:
240 ÷ 4 × 512 ÷ 8
√? + √1296 + √729 = 464/4
(17.17 × 21.98) + 34.15% of 649.99 = ? + 125.34
Find the simplified value of the following expression:
72 + 132 X 4 - {232 + 172 - 402
(150% of 350) ÷ ? = 15
What will be the value after simplifying this continued fraction?
Calculate the simplified result of the following expression: 12 × 18 ÷ 3 + 36 of 32 ÷ 3