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When we divide 6509 by 58, remainder will be 13, So we will subtract remainder only so that it is divisible by 58. So ans is 13.
For a =-4 and b = 5, value of a² – b² is:
The area (in sq, units) of the triangle formed by the graphs of 8x + 3y = 24, 2x+8 = y and the x – axis is:
when x =5 and y =-7 then find the value of 27x³ +58x²y +31xy² +8y³?
Fing the value of:
[(1024)(n/5) × (4)(2n+1) ] / [(16)n × (4)(n-1) ]
You are provided with three sequences below. Determine the values of P, Q, and R, and then identify the relationship among them.<...
x + y = 4, xy = 2, y + z = 5, yz = 3, z + x = 6 and xz =4, then find the value of x 3 + y 3 + z 3 – 3xyz.
...189500 – 22650 + 48× ? – 352×18 = 162674