ATQ, Sum was to be divided in the ratio 3:4:5:8 Let the sum of A,B,C and D is 3x,4x,5x and 8x respectively According to question, we get 20x = 4360 x=218 so we get A = 654 ; B = 872 ; C = 1090; D =1744 But by mistake it was divided in the ratio; 1/3 : 1/4 : 1/5 : 1/8 By Equating , the ratio will be ; 40 : 34 : 24 : 15 New sum of A, B, C and D will be 40x, 30x, 24x and 15x respectively Solving in the same way, we get A = 1600 , B = 1200, C = 960 and D = 600 So we can say D got 1144 less
Which of the following parameter is not included in the Soil health card?
Which class of seed is exempted from certification?
Which of the following crop is/are soil salinity tolerant?
Element involved in nitrogen fixation
During a prolonged dry spell, a farmer notices soil crusting in the field. What could be a possible consequence of soil crusting on the crops?
Biological oxidation of elemental Sulphur is carried out by which of the following bacteria?
The study of soil from the stand point of higher plants is known as……………………….
In which soil forming process are sodium ions accumulated on the clay's exchange complex, resulting in the formation of sodic soils?
Soil is a natural body composed of mineral and organic costituents, having definite genesis and a distinct nature of its own. Who amongst the following ...
Drought which is related to moisture deficits in vegetation roots , lead to crop growth stress, crop yield reduction or failure driven by low precipit...