P started a business with an investment of Rs.9000,
after 6 months Q joined him with Rs.12000 and after another 6 months R joined them with Rs.15000. If after end of two years profit share of Q is Rs.9000, then what is the total profit earned by them?
ARs.19200Correct AnswerIncorrect Answer
BRs.21000Correct AnswerIncorrect Answer
CRs.20500Correct AnswerIncorrect Answer
DRs.21750Correct AnswerIncorrect Answer
ENone of theseCorrect AnswerIncorrect Answer
Ratio of profit share of P, Q and R = 9000 x 24 : 12000 x 18 : 15000 x 6 = 3:6:5 Required amount = 9000 x (14/5) = Rs.21000