Ratio of the capital invested by A and B = (40000 × 24):(80000 × 16) ⇒ 3 : 4 Therefore, A’s share = 17850 x (3/7) = Rs.7650
_____________enzyme breaks down naringin in_________ juice to reduce bitterness.
Which of the following is/are the storage granules in bacteria?
a. glycogen
b. Poly a-hydroxy butyrate granules
Which method used to preserves food by slowing down the growth and reproduction of microorganisms.
Match the Unit operations in Group-1 with the process in Group-2
In canning the slowest-heating point referred to as…….
Milk is an example of………..emulsion & Butter is……….emulsion.
Which of the following statement is true?
a. Vegetables, fruits, whole grain, herbs, nuts contain an abundance of phenolic compounds tha...
The partial removal of water from liquid foods by boiling off water vapour, known as
Match the Commodity in Group-1 with present Anti-nutritional factor in Group-2
Packaging of food is done for the purpose
a) To avoid the contamination of food product.
b) To avoid insect invasion.