Let the profit be Rs 100 The ratio of investment of Karan , Arjun & Mukesh = 75,000 : 90,000 : 1,05,000 = 5:6:7 As (12.5% + 7.5%) = 20% = 20 is distributed among Karan and Arjun for management and remaining 80% = 80 is distribution in all 3 as per profit. So share of Karan = 80 ×5/(5+6+7) + 12.5 = ( 80×5/18 )+ 12.5 = (200/9) + 12.5 = 312.5/9 units So 312.5/9 units = Rs. 9375 1 unit = Rs. 270 So Share of Mukesh =80 ×7/(5+6+7) = 280/9 units = 280/9× 270 = Rs. 8400
Chemicals that have been implicated in attraction of rhizobia are
The silkworm spin cocoon after:
In ammonium sulphate nitrate fertilizer, the ratio of ammonical-N and nitrate-N is:
The copper deficiency in wheat under rice-wheat system in sandy soils can be corrected by
‘Wilt’ is a serious disease in pigeon pea. Which one of the following measures may not help in reducing the incidence of this disease?
What is the primary function of the suspensor in embryogenesis?
Which type of mutation is least likely to affect the phenotype of a plant, as it does not change the amino acid sequence?
Rain bearing clouds are
Which order of insects undergoes all four stages of metamorphosis?
Barley is a