Kisan and Laxman started a business with the investment of Rs. 1600 and Rs. (y+200) respectively. After four months of the start of business, Mayur join the business with the investment of Rs. (y-600). After next four months, Kisan left the business. Ratio of the investment with respect to the time for Kisan, Laxman and Mayur ⇒ 1600x8: (y+200)x12 : (y-600)x8 If at the end of one year, the profit share of Kisan and Mayur together is (1/15) times less than the profit share of Laxman. [1600x8+(y-600)x8]/[(y+200)x12] = 14/15 [1600x2+(y-600)x2]/[(y+200)x3] = 14/15 15x[1600x2+(y-600)x2] = 14x[(y+200)x3] 15x[3200+2y-1200] = 14x[(3y+600)] 15x[2000+2y] = 14x[3y+600] 30000+30y = 42y+8400 42y-30y = 30000-8400 12y = 21600 Value of ‘y’ = 1800
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