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Profit sharing ratio between H and V at the end of 1st year, => [(p+20000) x 8 + (p+20000 – 40000) x 4] : [(p-20000) x 12] => (3p + 20000) : (3p – 60000) According to the question, => [(3p – 60000)/{(3p+20000)+(3p-60000)}] x 17400 = 7200 => [(3p – 60000)/(6p – 40000)] x 17400 = 7200 On solving p we get, => p = Rs. 84000
Consider the following statement about “Agriculture in India”?
I. India's arable land area of 159.7 million hectare...
Name the famous Indian painter who was honoured with the Kaisar-i-Hind Gold Medal by the British Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon?
0.5 is what percentage of 20?
Mukhyamantri Anuprati Yojana is related to -
Limba Ram is associated with which sport?
Electro-composite compounds are usually soluble in ___________.
Match the columns.
Nutrients Examples
a. Protein i. Calcium, Pho...
Which of the following state in located Darlipali Super Thermal Power Station ?
Which Article of the Constitution of India empowers a high court to issue a writ?
In which country did the hotaki dynasty flourish?