ATQ, The ratio between the initial investments of Puneet and Raghav is 8:5 respectively. Let’s assume the initial investments of Puneet and Raghav is 8p and 5p respectively. The initial investment of Puneet is 20% less than the initial investment of Malti. 8p = (100-20)% of initial investment of Malti 8p = 80% of initial investment of Malti initial investment of Malti = 10p After ‘m’ months of the start of business, Rittu left it. Ratio among the investments of Puneet, Malti and Rittu with respect to the time = 8p×m+8p×2m : 10p×m+10p×2m : 5p×m = 8+16 : 10+20 : 5 = 24 : 30 : 5 Here we cannot get the value of ‘m’ from the given information. So the answer cannot be determined
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