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Ratio of annual profit shares of Ajay, Vijay, and Sanjay, respectively: (25,000×12):(15,000×12):(15,000×3)=25:15:3.75=100:60:15=20:12:3 Required profit share of Sanjay:
What will be the weed control efficiency (%). if the number of weeds in clodinafop treated plot is 190/ m² and that in a control plot is 361/m²? <...
Luxury consumption is observed in which of the following nutrients
The leading state for total oilseed production is ____
The target for the flow of credit to agriculture for 2022-23 has been fixed at…………………..
Which enzyme causes starch to be converted into sugars?
Zygodormancy is present in:
Among the various countries that import Indian guar gum, which country holds the distinction of being the largest importer?
What will be the Land equivalent ration when sole crop yield is 50 & 40 q/ha and intercrop yield is 20 q/ha and 10 q/ha in intercropping system?
The highest cooking losses are reported for
The activity of enzymes in fruits usually decline at temperature: