
    Aman is a working partner and Bablu is a sleeping partner in a business and Aman puts in Rs.5000 and Bablu puts in Rs. 6000.Aman received 15% of the profit for managing the business and the rest is divided in proportion to their capitals the amount received by Aman out of the total profit of Rs.880.

    A 472 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 342 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 466 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 368 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Investment of capital by Aman and Bablu is 5000: 6000. A: B = 5:6 Total profit = 880  Money got by Aman for managing the business=880 ×15% =132 Rs. Remaining amount =880-132 =748 Amount received by Aman =132+748 ×5/11 =132 + 340 =472.

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