
    Ajju and Ballu invest Rs.30,000 and 20,000 and 80% of profit distributed equally equally among them. Rest profit distributed according to investment ratio. The difference between the shares of Ajju and Ballu is 4000.Find the total Profit and find the share of Ajju and Ballu. 

    A 42000 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 48000 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 46000 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 52000 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Ratio of investment Ajju and Ballu =30000:20000=3:2 Let the total Profit =100 unit. Share of Ajju and Ballu in 80% Profit when distributed equally– Ajju =40, Ballu =40. And shares of remaining 20% profit in ratio of 3:2 – Ajju =12 Ballu =8. Now total shares of Ajju =40+12 =52 unit. Total shares of Ballu =40+8 =48 unit. ATQ- 4 units =4000 I unit =1000 Then Profit =100×1000=100000. Share of Ajju =52unit =52000. Share of Ballu = 48 unit =48000.

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