
    X, Y and Z started a business by investing Rs. 'p', Rs. 'p + 2000' and Rs. '4p', respectively. 8 months later, both X and Z withdrew their respective investments. If at the end of a year, the business made a profit of Rs. (39p +18000) , then What will be the profit share of 'Y'.

    A Rs.19(p+1200) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Rs.12(p+5000) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Rs.9(p+2000) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Rs.10(p+1800) Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E None of these Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    ATQ, Ratio of profit shares of X, Y and Z, respectively: = (8 × p) : {12 × (p + 2000) } : (8 × 4p) = 8p : (12p + 24000) : 32p = 2p:(3p + 6000) : 8p So, profit share of 'X' = [(3p+6000)/(2p+3p+6000+8p)] × (39p+18000) =  = {[3(p+2000)/(13p+6000)] ×3×(13p+6000)} = Rs.9(p+2000)

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