"Amit, Bheem, and Chintu began a business with initial investments of Rs. 6,000, Rs. 9,000, and Rs. 15,000, respectively. After one year, they increased their investments in the ratio of 3:3:4. Calculate Bheem’s share of the total profit of Rs. 7,560 after two years."
ATQ, Let, the increased investments of Amit, Bheem and Chintu are Rs. 3a, Rs. 3a and Rs. 4a, respectively. Ratio of their profits = 6000 + 6000 + 3a : 9000 + 9000 + 3a : 15000 + 15000 + 4a = 12000 + 3a : 18000 + 3a : 30000 + 4a Profit share of Bheem = (18000 + 3a)/ (60000 + 10a) × 7560 = {3(6000 + a)/10(6000 + a)} × 7560 = 3/10 × 7560 = Rs.2,268
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