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Ratio of profit share of A to B = (10800 × 7):(6300 × 9) = 4:3 Profit share of A = 4/7 × 4200 = Rs. 2400
First operational Indian Remote Sensing satellite IRS-1A was launched in the year
Pedology is a science related to
Cloud Seeding for cold clouds is done using _______
How many countries are members of the WTO?
Where is the Indian Sugarcane Research Institute situated?
The mode of herbicide action wherein the weed plants are bleached white, is caused by which of the following herbicides?
Soils having white encrustation of soluble salts at the surface, known as __ ?
" खाद्य व्यवसाय ऑपरेटर " वह व्यक्ति है जो :
Which National Park and Sanctuary in Uttarakhand is a UNESCO World Heritage Site?
How much area in percentage is covered under storage in rural go down?