Let the initial investment of 'B' be Rs. '4a' So, investment of 'A' = 1.25 X 4a = Rs.'5a' And, investment of 'C' = Rs. 5a X (6/5) = Rs. '6a' So, ratio of profit of 'A', 'B' and 'C', respectively, at the end of a year: = [{(5a X 4) + (7a X 8) }: {(4a X 4) + (3a X 8) }: {(6a X 6) + (5a X 6) }] = (20a + 56a) : (16a + 24a) : (36a + 30a) = (76:40:66) = (38:20:33)
The average weight of three men is increased by 5 kg when one of them, whose weight is 100 kg is replaced by another man. What is the weight of the new ...
"X" acquired 15 books at a cost of Rs. 840 each and an additional 25 books at a price of Rs. 480 each. Determine the average price per book "X" bought.
The average of 18 numbers is 40, and the average of the first 9 numbers is 45. Find the average of the remaining 9 numbers.
If the average of 13 different numbers is 15, and if all the numbers are positive integers then what is the largest possible value of the average of the...
The average age of 15 girls is 45 years. If the age of one more girl is added the average decreases by half a year. What is the age of new girl?
The mean purchase price of items 'X' and 'Y' is Rs. 600. Article 'X' is sold with a 20% profit, while article 'Y' is sold with a 30% profit. Calculate t...
The average age of three children is 14 years. If their ages are in the ratio 1:2:3. Find the age of the youngest child.
Average of four numbers is 16. Sum of smallest and largest number is 45. If difference between other two numbers is 1, then find the square of second sm...
In an examination, the average marks obtained by the students is 40. After correcting the quantitative mistakes, the average of 50 students is reduced t...
An intern was paid a stipend of Rs. 1,792 for a period of 30 days calculated on daily basis. During this period, he was absent for 4 days and was fined ...