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Let the total amount invested by Sonu and Titu be Rs. 5x
So, amount invested by Titu = 5x X (3/5) = Rs. 3x
Amount invested by Sonu = Rs. 5x - 3x = Rs. 2x
Ratio of profit of Titu and Sonu respectively,
= (3x X 20) :(2x X 24) = 5:4
Required percentage = (5/9) X 100 = 55(5/9)%
Who proposed the Germplasm theory of heredity?
Choose the correct option
Statement I: Saline soils are called White alkali soils
Statement II: Saline soils contains salts capable of und...
2*25 plough is move at speed of 5 Km/Hr how much time will it take to plough the field of size 300*300 meter if filed effiiciency of instrument is 60%
What is the commonly used conversion factor to convert organic carbon to organic matter,
‘Indore Process’ is related to:
What is the water requirement for chicken in liter/day?
Which of the following statements is/are true about the relationship between soil fertility and nutrient cycling?
Statement A: Nutrient cycling r...
Which seed rate should be adopted for major crops grown the fodder purpose
Highest SNF content is found in which animal milk?
Central Institute of Cotton Research is situated in