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Monthly savings of X = 0.7 × 5600 = Rs. 3920 Monthly expenditure of X = 5600 – 3920 = Rs. 1680 Monthly expenditure of Y = (15/8) × 1680 = Rs. 3150 Monthly savings of Y = 3150/1.25 = Rs. 3136 Monthly income of Y = 3150 + 3136 = Rs. 6286
Who was the first lady cadet to join Indian army, who was recently felicitated by the President of India?
The Gol Gumbad (Gumbaz) of ______is the mausoleum of Muhammad Adil Shah.
What is the name of Subhash Chandra Bose Autobiography?
What is the capital of Belarus?
' सेन्ट्रल एरिड जोन रिसर्च ' ( काजरी ) कहाँ पर स्थित हैं ?
Whose birth anniversary is commemorated globally as the International Day of Non-Violence?
Where will the first edition of the International Solar Festival be held?
Which two countries are considered the main engines for global growth, accounting for almost half of it?
Who was the last Guru of Sikhs?
First country to switch off its FM radio Network?