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Let, monthly income of A is Rs. x So, 0.7 × 0.6 × x = 840 So, x = 2000 Amount spent on study = 0.30 × 2000 = Rs. 600
How does the Smart Cities Mission plan to involve citizens in the development process?
Through PMMSY. The Government aims to increase fisheries export earnings to Rs. ________ crore by 2024-25.
Which of the following in not the eligible beneficiary under Prime Minister's Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nourishment Abhiyaan POSHAN 2.0:
Consider the following items in the two tables and choose the Correct Option.
Table A Table B
I- National Defence Public Good
...The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) is released monthly by which of the following organization?
What is the estimated total foodgrain production for the year 2023-24 according to the Third Advance Estimates?
Which of the following is not the role of an Independent Director?
Which of the following scheme aims to provide a lump sum family benefit of Rs 10,000/- to the bereaved households in case of the death of the primary ac...
What is the goal of the "Sangathan se Samriddhi" national campaign recently launched under the DAY-NRLM scheme?
What key initiative did the Prime Minister propose at the ASEAN-India Summit for enhancing economic engagement between South-East Asia, India, West Asia...