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Let, monthly income of A is Rs. x So, 0.75 × 0.62 × x = 930 So, x = 2000 Amount spent on study = 0.25 × 2000 = Rs. 500
Percentage of shade required for growing anthurium in summer is
Journal of Tropical Agriculture is published half yearly by _______
National Centre of Organic Farming is located at?
...What is the premium rate for commercial/ horticultural crops under PMFBY
Which of the following is rightly matched?
Which regulatory body oversees and implements environmental laws and policies in India?
What is the recommended isolation distance for certified onion seed production?
How many ATP molecules can be derived from each molecule of acetyl CoA that enter the Krebs' cycle?
What is the cation exchange capacity of humus?
(A) 2 - 15 C mol (p+) kg -1
(B) 250 - 1500 C mol (p+)...
PM Modi’s Tricolour Revolution are associated with…………………………..