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If 70% of the population of village C are working professionals which is equal to 35000.
70% of the population of village C = 35000
population of village C = 50000
The ratio between the population of village A and C is 9:10 respectively.
population of village A = (50000/10)x9 = 45000
The total population of villages A and B together is 75000.
population of village B = 75000-45000 = 30000
‘y’% and (y+15)% of the population of village A and B are working professionals. The total non working professionals population of village B and A together is 25500.
45000 of y% + 30000 of (y+15)% = 75000-25500
450 x y + 300 x (y+15) = 49500
3 x y + 2 x (y+15) = 330
3y+2y+30 = 330
3y+2y = 330-30
5y = 300
Value of ‘y’ = 60
The National Cancer Awareness Day is celebrated on?
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Recently, which state has flagged off a cruise liner “Empress” ?
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For the first time India’s equity market is ranked at ________ in the world in terms of market capitalisation.
The AgriSURE fund aims to support high-risk ventures in which sector?
What percentage of India’s GDP did gross fixed capital formation account for in Q1 2024?
_______ has developed the country's first smartphone-based e-voting solution.
Who has been appointed as the President of Basketball Federation of India?