In a shop, there are a total of 15,000 chip packets. Out of these, 28% are Green Lays packets, and out of the remaining, 75% are Red Lays packets, and the rest are Blue Lays packets. If 20% of Green Lays packets, 10% of Red Lays packets, and 15% of Blue chip packets were rejected for quality, then how many chip packets, in total, were rejected for quality?
ATQ, Number of Green lays packets in the shop = 15000 × 0.28 = 4200 Number of Red lays packets in the shop = (15000 – 4200) × 0.75 = 8100 Number of Blue lays packets in the shop = 10800 – 8100 = 2700 Number of Green lays packets rejected for quality = 4200 × 0.20 = 840 Number of Red lays packets rejected for quality = 8100 × 0.10 = 810 Number of Blue lays packets rejected for quality = 2700 × 0.15 = 405 So, total number of chips packets rejected for quality = (840 + 810 + 405) = 2055
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