
    The combined salaries of 'Arvind' and 'Bhanu' amount to Rs. 20,000. 'Arvind' utilized 80% of his salary, while 'Bhanu' spent 60% of his salary, resulting in the sum of their savings being Rs. 6,500. Determine the percentage by which the expenditure of 'Bhanu' differs from that of 'Arvind.'

    A 25% Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 15% Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 22% Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 18% Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E none of these Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    ATQ, Let the salaries of 'Arvind' be Rs. 'a' Therefore, salary of 'Bhanu' = Rs. (20,000 - a) According to the question, 0.2a + 0.4 × (20000 - a) = 6500 Or, 0.2a + 8000 - 0.4a = 6500 Or, 0.2a = 1500 Or, 'a' = (1500/0.2) = 7500 Therefore, expenditure of 'Arvind' = 0.8a = 0.2 × 7500 = Rs. 6,000 Expenditure of 'Bhanu' = 0.6 × (20000 - a) = 0.6 × 12500 = Rs. 7500 Required % = {(7500 - 6000) /6000} × 100 = 25%

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