Continue with your mobile number
Let the income of 'N' be Rs. 'q'. Therefore, income of 'M' = Rs. (180000 - q). Savings of 'M' = 0.35 × (180000 - q). Savings of 'N' = Rs. '0.4q'. According to the question, 0.35 * (180000 - q) – 6000 = 0.4q Or, 63000 – 0.35q – 6000 = 0.4q Or, 0.75q = 63000 - 6000 Or, q = 76000 Savings of 'M' = 0.35 × (180000 - q) = 63000 – 26600 = 36400 Savings of 'N' = 30400 Therefore, income of 'O' = {36400 + 30400} ÷ 2 = 33400 Savings of 'O' = 0.40 * 33400 = Rs. 13,360
What converts an entire program into machine language?
What is the purpose of a device driver in an operating system?
From which panel you can insert Header and Footer in MS Word 2016?
While __________, data transfers from the customers' machine to the server.
What is the full form of UNIVAC?
____________ displays a list of utility configure the computer system and install software and hardware.
What is the extension to save Database?
Which of the following is NOT an example of e-mail service provider?
I. Outlook
II. Gmail
III. Yandex
Which of the following is an Object Oriented Programming Language?
A compiler is used to convert the following to object code which can be executed