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Marks scored by student = 250 X 0.44 = 110 So, passing marks = 110 + 16 = 126 So, passing percentage = (126/250) X 100 = 50.4%
Which one of the following is not one of the main objectives of the (Special Economic Zones Act) SEZ Act 2005?
Stagflation refers to a period characterized by which of the following conditions?
Insurance Mall portal has been launched by ______ for its customers to ensure an Easy-buy experience.
What is the percent contribution of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises(MSMEs) in India’s GDP?
SANKALP Scheme is one of the important skill development programme sponsored by World Bank which is under implementation till_______.
When unemployment of potential workers that is not reflected in official unemployment statistics, due to the way the statistics are collected, it is kn...
Which bank has been awarded the global 'Celent Model Bank' award under the category – 'Payments System Transformation'?
Farming large areas with minimal labor and capital inputs is known as:
One of the features of a free market economy is
Which of the following is not a money market instrument?