Let the number be '100n'. Final number = 1.24 X 0.7 X 100n = '86.8n' Therefore, net percentage decrease = [(100n - 86.8n) ÷ 100n] X 100 = (13.2n/100n) X 100 = 13.2%
Which bahar of pomegranate is most suitable under Rajasthan conditions?
Which type of grafting is also known as stone grafting?
Maximum production of which fruit in India ?
The application of gibberellic acid in horticulture is primarily used to:
Botanical name of Lemon grass :
Which of the following plantation crop is popularly known as kalpvriksha?
“King of Fruits” is called _________
CPCRI is located at
What is the primary compound responsible for the pungency in chillies
Propagation of datepalm is by -